12:33 PM Wednesday, <September 7>, <2005>
It's odd, dealing with a family death, yet still living life. Apple released some collaboration with Motorola for an iTunes Phone. I only wish they'd release iTunes for any cell phone, maybe as a Java app, or something else. Would be nice is all. iPod nano (http://www.apple.com/ipodnano) also got released. It's .4" shorter, .2" narrower, and .53" thinner than my cell phone, which I was planning on using as my music player, as soon as I get around to getting a decent sized Memory Stick Duo Pro. Not sure if I want to carry around both, or if I even need to. But the black one would definitely match my phone, that's for sure. Have a definite urge to spend some money, buy something, do something though. Restlessness I guess.