1:05 PM Tuesday, <August 30>, <2005>
No laundry last night, no matter how much I needed to do it. Instead, I watched I, Robot, since I've been trying to catch that for a while. And after Sunday, I won't have to try and catch it, since that's when I'll be getting my DVR. I really wonder how much it's going to change my TV watching habits, my wandering round channels, hoping to stumble upon something new or interesting or good. Oh well. Trying to keep up with the little things, the other chores that need to get done. Finally brought down the winter comforter to be dry cleaned, along with my suits, which have been needing a cleaning, but since I don't wear them very often, it's got to build up. Can't believe September's right around the corner. Crazy. Headed over to Lisa and Ryan's tonight for dinner. Try and do laundry tomorrow night.