Archive of <August> <2011> [chronological]

9:31 PM Friday, August 19, 2011
So, almost a month. What's new? Lucy's doing well. Lately been crying a bit at night. Had her 15 month checkup, and she's doing well. Otherwise, working. Had a little bit of an issue updating the Mac mini to 10.7.1, which was annoying. Apple stuff is great because it just works most of the time, but the 1% of the time it doesn't, it's really frustrating. Been reading some new books, like The Magician King, and started Ready Player One. Kind of nice reading something new for a change. Been trying to get better updating the Memex. Also been trying to get to bed at a decent hour lately. Just means I've been getting up earlier. Just can't seem to sleep in at all. I also finally found my dream sandals, the Birkenstock Vaduz, which I think are getting discontinued. They're like my previous favorite sands, the Adidas Dakar II, basically nice slides. Took me 3 tries before I got the right size though, first time ordering from Amazon got sent the wrong size, then tried to order the correct size, but incorrectly ordered the narrow version, then finally ordered from, 42R, and they fit great. Looking forward to living in them for the rest of the summer and until they fall apart and then I'll get them resoled. These should last me forever. Yay.
Archive of <August> <2011> [chronological]