7:58 AM Wednesday, <October 27>, <2004>
So my email went down yesterday for a while, and didn't get it back up reliably until 11pm or so last night. I gotta remember that my home server needs a keyboard and the X10 serial controller plugged in to get all the services up and running. Guess I should just get rid of some of those unnecessary services. Apple announced the iPodPhoto yesterday, color screened version of the 4G iPod with photo display capability. Reason to upgrade for me from my 1G 5GB with poor battery life? Nope. Windows go in today. Steam radiators are funny looking, at least in my building. It'd be nice if the covers were user removable, so maybe I could do something interesting with them. Good luck to all those competing at the UPA Championships starting tomorrow. Safe travels. Watched Contact last night. I'm still interested in HDTV for the mac, and since I was an early adopter, it makes it difficult with my current equipment. No DVI or Firewire on my TV or OTA HDTV receiver. So even if I get HDTV recording on the mac, I can't watch it on my current setup. Stupid.